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  Loraine snapped with her free hand as a surge of energy entered through the dildo. Victoria’s body lit up like a thousand glittering diamonds causing her to explode into a dynamite orgasm. It was so strong that I felt it tighten around my member in throbbing waves. We both cried out in total ecstasy until Victoria collapsed and laid her head back on the pillow, completely limp in pleasure.

  Loraine removed the toy from Victoria’s spent body with a giant smile on her face. The golden clamp turned into a butterfly and fluttered away. Victoria’s never ending smile covered every inch of her face as she relaxed in the bed with her eyes closed like Sleeping Beauty.

  “Wow. Some planet you went to!” The words came out of me in breaths.

  Loraine held the mystery dildo in her hand. It’s illuminating light sparkled brightly until it turned into a tube of pink lipstick. “Oh, you have no idea, my love. Come here you.”

  She’ll be out for an hour. She’s dreaming of the entire thing over again so don’t be alarmed if she begins to moan. She feels everything as if it’s happening again and I’m about to do the same thing to you.

  “You naughty girl.”

  “I’ve been called naughty once or twice in Ur.”

  “I’ve missed you so much.” I whispered in her ear.

  She applied the lipstick over her lips and they glistened in sparkles. Seconds later, her lips grew huge, and luscious like Angelina Jolie’s lips. I knew what was coming next. Just as she was about to grab my throbbing cock, she rubbed her fingers together and sparkling dust illuminated the air like fireflies as it fell over my member. I felt a cooling sensation.

  “Meet hand sanitizer Ur style. Everything is in the style of pleasing.”

  “It feels nice.”

  “It tastes like mint, too,” she said and sucked all the way to the bottom of my shaft. Her bottom lip teased my excited sack as the most intense, crazy feeling surrounded my member. Every centimeter was filled with heightened sensitivity and just when I was about to come, or I thought I was about to come, the feeling continued and continued. My heart raced as if I had ran an entire marathon. Up and down she pumped, sucked, and swirled and still, the heightened ecstasy remained. Minute after minute, I lay there collapsed as Rick Jr. had his shinning moment.

  How do you like this little trick, baby?

  She continued for what felt like an hour but then the intense desire flooded me; I just had to be in her. I needed to connect with her soul. As soon as I entered her, it was as if Beethoven’s symphony blasted and the entire world stood still. It was as if everything went black and white and our body glistened in gold.

  “I’ve missed you, too.” She whispered back as we continued our symphony, our waltz.

  “This feels so right. I wish you could stay. Don’t ever leave. Stay with me.” My wife didn’t answer as we continued making love. I lowered her on the bed and lay on top of her, kissing the small of her back; her favorite spot before entering her from on top. This felt so right. I kissed her neck, tugged her ear with my teeth. I felt her energy swell my heart as my chest rubbed against her sweaty back. My wife came in that beautiful ways of hers, that always gets me off. So sweet. So raw. So beautiful. Finally, after my release came, we cuddled and fell asleep, dreaming, reliving everything over again.

  “Oh my god. Who is Prisley?” Victoria awoke from her dream and demanded breathlessly. I thought she was talking in her sleep.

  I opened my eyes to my wife laying across my chest, her gorgeous brunette hair covering my entire chest.

  “Hmm? Oh, Pristley.” She corrected.

  “Right. Him.”

  She sat up to looked over at Victoria who was sitting upright with an intense pensive look on her face. She had stars in her eyes.

  “How did you know . . . . ”

  “He visited me in my dream. He told me I’m to come to Ur. He said—“

  “He’s the king of Ur.” My wife’s voice was soft.

  Victoria ran her fingers through her hair. “That was some dream, you guys. It felt so weird. Like it felt as if I were really there. Like I was there. You have to believe me. Pristley had this gorgeous di . . . I mean, maybe it was just a dream.”

  “We believe you.” My wife and I said in unison.

  “What do you . . . . ”

  She looked at us with a look of sympathy. The sun was now setting indicating it was nearing late afternoon. I didn’t want midnight to come.

  The fire place flickered and my wife smiled at making it glow.

  “You soul traveled. Like I said, today the portal opened.”

  “You were right about Ur. It is beyond words to describe. The most beautiful waterfalls, creatures of beauty and exquisite symmetry, like elves almost, but they seemed human. Yet they weren’t.” Victoria said all in a trance.

  “I saw this waterfall, and literally gold specks fell down. I was there, admiring it when Pristley appeared to me. He was tall, and had tanned skin, like a native, but these bright green, tantalizing eyes. And he reached for my hand and took me to the top of the waterfall. After jumping, and after of course I flipped out thinking I was going to die, I didn’t.” A smile formed.

  I’m not going to say it, Richard. I want it to be her idea.

  For what?

  To trade places with me. But look at her. She’s clearly smitten.

  “That’s when he carried me to under a pecan tree that had, more gold. But it was the way he carried me. He wrapped my legs around him and carried me, which is my favorite position, by the way. He filled me in such a way. Like he knew. With each pounding step, he stimulated my g spot with his hard long cock. Then he made gentle intoxicating love to me and captured my heart.”

  I looked at my wife and she had the same expression on her face as I. We both smiled. It was entertaining to see Victoria so mesmerized.

  She sighed. “If only I could relive that beautiful dream again.” She lay back in the pillow and stared at the ceiling spellbound by the dream.

  “There is a way for you to go there, you know? And not just in a dream.”

  “Ho . . . how?”

  “We trade places.”

  She was very quiet for a moment. “But what about my family? Do I disappear? Will I come back?”

  “Of course you will. But a day here is a lifetime there. You’ll see if you choose to go.”

  “You mean I can chose? Well, then, by all means. Hell yeah. Let’s do it.” I could see the look in her eyes. She was transfixed on this full moon night. I wondered if Ur even had a moon and if it was full as well. But as much as I was happy for my wife to stay, Victoria’s welfare concerned me. I didn’t want anything to happen to her. What if . . . she went and she became lost forever?

  Don’t worry. She’ll come back. You have to trust me.

  Other books by Bella Bentley

  The Elusive and Exclusive Billionaire’s Club (McKenzie’s Choice, Book 1)

  McKenzie Kane is on her way to attending the medical school of her dreams—Stanford. McKenzie worked hard to get accepted into the prestigious, yet extremely expensive medical school, but when she realizes her funding has fallen through she is forced to rely on the one thing she has avoided relying on her entire life . . . her looks. Her lucky stars provide a mysterious solution for her—an invitation from The Elusive and Exclusive BC. One night here, and her first year’s tuition will be paid in full. But what McKenzie doesn't realize is she will become the new Alice who falls down an erotic rabbit hole.

  Also coming October 1, 2012

  The Girl with The Emerald Eyes: Rescued by the Billionaire (Book 1)

  Bonus Material: Excerpt from The Elusive and Exclusive Billionaire’s Club: McKenzie’s Choice, Book 1

  “McKenzie, you’ll be fine. Really, you’ll see.” Shelly, my best friend and roommate, reached for my arm to console me as I sat at my kitchen table in a pool of tears. I was one month away from graduating from the University of Southern California, summa cum laude, and on my way to ful
fill my dream to become a surgeon by attending the prestigious Stanford Medical School.

  Coming from a middle class American family; Mom a teacher and Dad a fireman, it was a big deal for me to get into USC with practically no student loans.

  But medical school was an entirely different league in the student loans arena. Stanford came with prestige as well as a hefty price tag of over $45,000 a year in tuition. There was no way I could attend medical school on my own accord or on my family’s salary; financial aid was a must for me. But there in bold letters on the document before me was an awakening—a slap across the face—that my dream was now over. I lost my funding. I wouldn’t be able to go to Stanford Medical School.

  “Ugh,” I crumbled up the letter and threw it across my small apartment. “What am I going to do?” I yelled in unfair annoyance. “I’ve worked so damn hard, Shelly. My whole life I’ve worked my ass off and they’re going to tell me that out of thousands of applicants . . . they only accept 3.3 percent of applicants! I got into fucking Stanford University Medical School! And now I can’t go because my fucking funding fell through?”

  After a few moments of silence, Shelly spoke softly, “My dad always said everything is up for negotiation. Why don’t you call the school and see if there is any sort of payment plan?” Her cheerful voice could lighten any mood. But not today, I was in the depths of despair.

  “Payment plan. Right.”

  “No, seriously. It doesn’t hurt to ask.”

  “Let’s see . . . Hi Miss so and so, who works at the business office who really doesn’t give a damn about me. I really want to go to this school. Please help me, please? I’ll make my payments of $45,000. Yet, now that I think of it, I don’t even have money to pay for September, but pretty please, let me. I graduated summa cum laude!”

  My forehead fell on my arm lying on the table.

  “Well, I’m sure you really impressed them since you told me they only accept less than 200 a year.”

  “3.3 percent in fact.” I mumbled in my arms.

  The rain poured hard against the window pain only amplifying my disparity.

  “That’s it, McKenzie Kane. Get up.”

  “What?” I lifted my eyes and stared at her with blurred vision.

  “Ever since I’ve know you, you’ve been a fighter. You work your ass off. This isn’t the McKenzie Kane I know. We’re going out.”

  “I don’t want to.” I laid my head back on my arms. Pounding my forehead while telling myself, . . . think. Think. Think! . . .

  Why is med school so damn expensive anyway? Don’t they want doctors out there? Ever since this stupid market crash, loans have been impossible to obtain. Do they want this country to go to shambles because no one can get an education? It’s the government’s fault! My thoughts raced.

  “Kenze! Up!”

  Shelly dragged me out of my chair. “Get dressed. Get hot. We’re going for margaritas.”

  An hour later I sulked in my chair, nursing my second margarita at our favorite Mexican restaurant. The chips provided very little substance for soaking up the alcohol and I was feeling a little buzzed.

  “I just don’t understand, Shell! I’m so close!”

  “You’re going to get that money. I know it.”

  “Oh really, and how’s that?”

  “Well, for starters, you can enter this.” She handed me a flyer.

  Miss Orange County swimsuit contest. Winner wins $5,000.

  I nearly choked on my margarita. I was not one of those blonde bimbo types. No offense. But, I sought my entire life to be taken seriously because I was blonde. I wanted to be known for my brains and intellect and not for my abnormally large double d breast, my tiny waist, nor the junk in my trunk.

  I sighed and gritted through my teeth, “Hell to the no! Do you know what type of contestants I’d be up against? Models and actresses who are in between jobs. I’m just a girl from Texas.”

  “Those Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders are world renown for a reason baby. It’s because Texas women are hot. H-O-T-T. You are hot. You’re a bombshell but you refuse to admit it.” She rimmed her margarita glass and licked the salt off her fingers.

  “Look, you’re freaking hot. My brother is always begging me to bring you over. And, well, it’s time to use your assets baby! That’s ass-ets.”

  I rolled my eyes. I was not one of those women who used their body and looks. I just . . . wasn’t. Besides, I was raised conservatively, in a small conservative town where everyone attended the conservative southern Baptist church. If pictures surfaced of me in a two piece swimsuit, no doubt I’d give my grandmother a heart attack and send my grandfather straight to the grave. I couldn’t bear to think about what my pastor would think. His wife would call up my mother and tell her how rotten LA is and that the devil sure is getting a hold of my soul. I couldn’t help but to just laugh at that atrociousness.

  “It’s in three weeks. Totally my treat. I’m going to make you look hot. Irresistible! We’ll do spray tan, endermologie, a brazillian wax. It doesn’t hurt too bad. I’m up for a fresh visit so we’ll do all of these together. It will be like a spa marathon. If you win, you can put a down payment on your loan. That should pay a month or something, right?”

  Shelly’s light brown eyes sparkled as she came up with a plan. I was never one to be a Debby Downer, but absolutely everything seemed so bleak. I wanted to laugh at Shelly’s plan. Here’s a month of medical school paid. But I didn’t want to be rude. She really was trying to help me.

  “And then, after that. After you win. We will start a YouTube video campaign with you in your swimsuit and—”

  “Wait. What?” I held up my hands in protest.

  “Look, Kenze, you want to go to medical school with every fiber in your being. Wouldn’t you do anything? People find a lot of success from YouTube. We’ll set up a Wordpress blog and have a donation bucket. You’ll be in med school in a jiffy.”

  Right. And then everyone at Stanford will know who I am and what I look like under my scrubs. I’d never hear the end of it all.

  I nodded my head strongly, fighting back tears. But I didn’t care what people thought about me. That was always my strong suit, one of my persevering qualities that always brought me out ahead.

  “I’d swim the damn strait surrounded by hungry sharks if it meant my med school would be paid for.”

  “Then a swimsuit pageant isn’t any different. Bottoms up baby because after tonight, I’m going to be training that gorgeous ass of yours into tip top shape. You’re going to win that competition and you will get to go to medical school. Case closed. Waiter! Another round please.”

  And that’s how it happened. That’s how me, McKenzie Kane, got entered into the most absurd thing ever. But hey, I was desperate.

  Shelly was true to her sweetheart word and treated me to the treatments ensuring my body was in tip- top shape. She also was true to training me like a drill sergeant. Never had I ever seen her so aggressive! As I walked to class one morning, and was about to bite into a muffin, I was tackled to the ground and my muffin was snatched away. She jumped out of the bushes! I thought some lunatic robbed me but when I opened my eyes, it was her! Everyone around us watched in bewilderment.

  “No carbs!” she said forcefully as she walked demurely away.

  Ah, Shelly. I shook my head, cursing her on the outside, but smiling on the inside. She really was a supportive friend.

  She came from money and never had to worry about money in her bank account. We met freshman year at USC and were instant besties. I, a serious med student, she a fashion design student. But we were always two peas in a pod.

  L.A. was such a different world than where I was from in a small town in East Texas. Which, East Texas should be marginalized into its entirely own country inside the US. Where I was from, family, church and football was everything. In that order.

  In L.A., well, image was everything. Everything. I had so many professors try to stir me away from transplant surgery into plastic su
rgery because everyone and their dog wants cosmetic surgery. But ever since I took a mission trip with my church when I was fifteen, I knew that was what I wanted to do with my life. Save people. Help them through much needed surgery. I wanted to save people’s lives. And if being in this damn swimsuit competition would bring me one step closer, than come hell or high water, I’d do it.

  Alas, the nervous Saturday came. It was one week before finals and I rather had studied but since I was already accepted into Stanford, I didn’t sweat it too much. There I stood, with fifty other contestants. Most of them had had work done. I’m sure of it. I felt confident after all of my beauty treatments. Shelly even had someone put extensions in my hair and did my make up. I never had this type of treatment. I barely recognized myself when I looked at myself that morning in my floor length antique mirror.

  “Damn. This is what money can do.”

  I was toned, cellulite free, and tan. I looked totally like an Orange County bunny.

  Everyone appeared to be around my age, twenty something. As we stood there shoulder to shoulder, I was just ready for this competition to be over already. But then, much to my utter surprise, they said my name. My name.

  Fuck! What?

  “McKenzie Kane winner of Miss Orange County.” They repeated my name several times until I blinked back into reality and stepped forward to the presenter with dozens of long stem roses and a giant check. Fans were screaming, Shelly jumped up and down and her brother wouldn’t stop staring at my breasts.

  “McKenzie Kane will be attending Stanford University Medical School in the fall. I guess you can have the looks and the brains.”

  I wobbled in my heels and felt awkward as all the camera flashes went off. I just wanted to cash the check, get off the stage, get home and put on comfy sweats and study.

  But, truthfully, I was elated. I felt a glimmer of hope. Maybe this plan would actually work. Maybe I would get to go to Stanford after all.