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The Lake Series Erotic Romance Bundle Page 7

  After a celebratory meal of Mexican food, I ate the forbidden carbs and dairy that I was off of for three weeks and gladly downed my margaritas.

  “Oh my gosh, those guys at the bar are so staring at you. He looks famous or something. See, that’s what I’m telling you girl. You should use your body and your looks and land a millionaire, heck billionaire. Then you’ll never have to work.” She said dreamily.

  “Seriously? And be a bored housewife?”

  “Honey, you won’t be bored. There’s plenty to do when you have all the money in the world. Parties, lunch-ins . . . have a few babies. It’s the life. Shopping...” She sighed. “Don’t you ever watch the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills?”

  I laughed at her incredulously and shook my head no.

  “So, is that your little plan, missy? Marry a rich man?”

  “You betcha.”

  I stirred my margarita. “Not me. I want to marry for love.”

  “Well, that’s cute. That’s sweet. Really.” She cooed. “Just don’t work so hard. You’ll have to pay heaps for a great plastic surgeon later.” She winked.

  Later at home, I turned music on and was about to study for my final but I needed to check my Facebook because the study group I was a part of had yet to designate a meeting place. But after I signed in, my heart was in my throat; I was tagged in twenty pictures of the competition! Damn it. I just knew I should have changed my personal preferences and made tagging impossible without my approval.

  I clicked through each picture. One of them was of me turning around and you could see my toned ass in the barely there bottoms.

  Crap! My mom’s gonna kill me!

  I clicked picture after picture, panicking that people at home had already seen the pictures. As I feverously deleted each picture, I felt a small smile hang on my face. I did actually look good. I stared at the one last picture daydreaming. It felt nice to be admired for once. I had always felt like a fish out of water here in Plastic City, California and I couldn’t believe that I actually won. The admiration was short lived when I saw a message alert from my mom.


  Pastor Jenking’s wife was on Facebook today and saw that you won some competition. She called me and so I got on to see what she was talking about. You must call me as soon as you get this so we can talk about this! Your little sisters looked up to you! How am I supposed to explain this? And more importantly, your father’s Fire Fighter buddies no doubt have seen these circulating. Your poor father. Call me asap.



  PS—Did you receive the card I sent in the mail? It was a little something for you while you study hard for your finals. But judging by these pictures, it looks like none of this is happening.

  I rolled my eyes and sighed.

  What a buzz kill.

  I trudged to my mailbox and flipped through my mail as I walked back to my apartment. A few magazines, bills, . . . ah, there was my mother’s fancy cursive handwriting.

  Good luck sweetie. I know you love Starbucks! We are so very proud of you. Xoxox Mom and Dad.

  It was thoughtful of them. I was thinking about calling her and explaining my situation and how things may be a little different for a while. They were about to see much more of me in a swimsuit on Youtube and if the church had a problem with it, well that was their problem. I was going to go to medical school!

  I reached for my Iphone but there next to the phone, peeping out under a magazine was a shiny chic black envelope with my name written in beautiful white calligraphy:

  McKenzie Kane

  I stared at the envelope curiously. The thick envelope had a rich elegance to the paper. There was no return address. My name was written in beautiful white calligraphy on the front and the back was sealed with a red ink stamp with the initials BC.

  It was so beautiful, I didn’t even want to open the envelope but curiosity got the best of me. What was this?

  I opened the envelope to reveal a cream stalk card with the same BC emblem at the top.

  Dear McKenzie,

  We were very impressed with your performance today at the swimsuit competition. We would like to extend to you the invitation to join us for the evening. A little birdy told us you are short on your medical school tuition. If you join us tonight, consider your first year paid in full.

  A black limo will arrive at your residence to take you to your destination at 11pm. It will wait only five minutes. The choice is yours. If you do decide to come, come just as you were today in full hair and make up. Attire will be provided. You will arrive home no later than 6am with your payment in full. No cell phones. No personal belongings.

  Cordially Yours,

  The Elusive and Exclusive BC

  I reread the note over and over. Was this some sort of practical joke? Behind the stalk card, the following words were written:

  Verbal password is as follows:


  11pm? Bluealpha118? What the heck was this?

  I looked at my phone. It was 6pm. I could still make the study group from 7 until 9 and then come home and primp. Damn it. I didn’t know how to re apply my professional make up and Shelly was out at some party. Wait a minute, was I really considering going? Just because some money was thrown my way?

  I re read the phrase . . . If you join us tonight, consider your first year paid in full.

  Yes. I would do anything to go to medical school.

  But was this even legitimate and true?

  There was only one way to find out. I had to go. I spent the next hour googling “what does bc stand for?” Besides British Columbia and other standard replies, I got nothing. “The Elusive and Exclusive BC”. Nothing.

  It was pointless going to study group. The entire time, besides avoiding knowing stares from male members in my study group, I was preoccupied with what the night would bring.

  What if my kidney gets cut out?

  What if I’m expected to be a prostitute?

  How did they know my personal information?

  Who are they?

  What are they?

  Finally, the moment of truth came. My heart beat like the loudest drum and I was a bundle of nerves when the limo pulled up outside of my apartment at 11pm.

  I looked left and right to see if anyone saw me. There it was. The moment of truth. I reached for the door, then stopped. After taking another deep breath I opened the door and got inside the limo wondering what in the world I was getting myself into.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events or locales is entirely coincidental.



  Copyright © 2012 Bella Bentley

  All rights reserved.

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